Tuesday, December 16, 2014

a new adventure!

I started this blog when we first started at International Family Missions. We used it for updates on our family and updates with the ministry. About 2 years ago, I had stopped updating it...(life happens!) and have felt recently that NOW would be the perfect time to pick it back up! Previous posts gone..a new fresh look and page..and a new adventure!

This will be the place for us to share what is going on with our family as we start on our adventure as Youth Pastor at Gothenburg Evangelical Free Church. I am hoping to be able to share pictures of our family and updates with us, as well as prayer requests and other news.

SO, without further ado...OUR FIRST PRAYER REQUEST! Our house here in Frederick, Colorado sold FAST! We are under contract and aiming for a closing date of January 9th! YIKES! That means we need to find something out in Gothenburg, Nebraska FAST! But then there is the little issue of Christmas being next week..So we are having a hard time finding time to make it out there to even look at houses (which there isn't a lot available right now). I am trying not to be too picky ;) but also want something with room for visitors, and a fenced in yard! Those are my two requests!!

Would you be praying with us that the PERFECT house would become available for us, as we start on this new season in our life? We would appreciate it so much! And stay tuned for (semi) regular updates from us!

1 comment:

Melisa Spangler said...

congrats on this next phase! I couldn't help but look up property. It's so fun to do. This is cute! http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/802-16th-St_Gothenburg_NE_69138_M85995-87820?row=9